Leveraging Big Data Analytics to Drive Data-Based Policy Making for Improved Government Services Delivery in Nigeria

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Aisha Mohammed
Ibrahim Bello


Government services delivery in Nigeria faces many challenges that have led to poor outcomes for citizens. There is now an opportunity to leverage emerging big data analytics capabilities to enable more evidence-based, data-driven policymaking. This can help overcome information gaps and biases that have historically limited effective policy interventions. This research article provides an overview of the potential for big data analytics in the Nigerian public sector context. It examines relevant data sources, analytics techniques, and use cases from other countries that can inform a strategic approach. The analysis focuses on health, education, transportation, and citizen engagement sectors that impact service delivery. Recommendations are provided for developing analytical capabilities, strengthening data infrastructure, building organizational readiness, and fostering partnerships to realize the benefits of data-based policymaking. This futures-oriented perspective aims to spur discussion and progress towards improved government services delivery for Nigerian citizens in the coming years. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Aisha Mohammed, & Bello, I. (2024). Leveraging Big Data Analytics to Drive Data-Based Policy Making for Improved Government Services Delivery in Nigeria. Journal of Empirical Social Science Studies, 8(2), 1–22. Retrieved from https://publications.dlpress.org/index.php/jesss/article/view/80
Author Biographies

Aisha Mohammed, Solomon Islands National University





Ibrahim Bello, Solomon Islands University of Technology