Lipidomic Signatures in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Towards Personalized Treatment Strategies

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Meena Choudhary
Ahmad bin Abdullah


Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) presents a significant health burden, necessitating personalized treatment approaches due to varying responses to conventional therapies. Lipidomics, analyzing lipid profiles in biological systems, has unveiled distinct lipidomic signatures in OSCC tissues. Dysregulated lipid metabolism plays a pivotal role in OSCC pathogenesis, making lipidomic investigations relevant. Lipid metabolism offers potential therapeutic targets, including enzymes like FASN and ACS, and modulates key oncogenic signaling pathways. Integrating lipidomic data into personalized treatment strategies may lead to improved outcomes by selecting targeted therapies based on individual tumor lipid profiles.Standardization and large-scale trials are essential for fully harnessing lipidomics' benefits in OSCC treatment. This study paves the way for more effective, tailored approaches to tackle OSCC.

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How to Cite
Choudhary, M., & Abdullah, A. bin. (2023). Lipidomic Signatures in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Towards Personalized Treatment Strategies. Journal of Contemporary Healthcare Analytics, 7(1), 145–162. Retrieved from