Driving Towards Sustainability: Electric Vehicles' Contribution to Environmental and Public Health

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Ingrid Jansen
Sofia Petrova


This Electric vehicles (EVs) are revolutionizing the transportation sector and have emerged as a crucial element in the pursuit of sustainability. This research explores the environmental and public health contributions of electric vehicles. The findings indicate several key benefits:The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is a significant advantage of EVs. By producing zero tailpipe emissions, EVs help mitigate carbon dioxide and other harmful pollutants, combating climate change.EVs contribute to air quality improvement by eliminating emissions of pollutants like nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. This reduction in air pollution positively impacts respiratory health and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.The quiet operation of electric vehicles results in reduced noise pollution. This aspect enhances the quality of life, reduces stress levels, and improves sleep patterns for urban residents.EVs can integrate with renewable energy sources, acting as energy storage and promoting efficient utilization of excess energy. This integration supports the growth of renewable energy technologies and decreases reliance on fossil fuel-based power generation.The adoption of EVs reduces dependence on finite fossil fuels, enhancing energy independence and minimizing vulnerability to oil price fluctuations and geopolitical conflicts.While considering the lifecycle emissions, EVs demonstrate potential for further improvement as renewable energy integration expands and battery technologies advance.EVs play a role in promoting sustainable transportation systems when combined with other sustainable mobility options. This combination reduces congestion, improves urban livability, and encourages sustainable travel choices.To fully realize the environmental and health benefits of EVs, it is crucial to couple their adoption with a clean and renewable energy generation mix. Transitioning both the transportation and energy sectors towards sustainability will maximize the positive impact of electric vehicles on the environment and public health.

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How to Cite
Jansen, I., & Petrova, S. (2023). Driving Towards Sustainability: Electric Vehicles’ Contribution to Environmental and Public Health. Journal of Sustainable Technologies and Infrastructure Planning, 7(1), 25–45. Retrieved from https://publications.dlpress.org/index.php/JSTIP/article/view/21